Results for 'Larissa Iara Ritzel'

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  1.  9
    Strangers drowning: impossible idealism, drastic choices, and the urge to help.Larissa MacFarquhar - 2015 - New York, New York: Penguin Books.
    What does it mean to devote yourself wholly to helping others? In Strangers Drowning, Larissa MacFarquhar seeks out people living lives of extreme ethical commitment and tells their deeply intimate stories; their stubborn integrity and their compromises; their bravery and their recklessness; their joys and defeats and wrenching dilemmas. A couple adopts two children in distress. But then they think: If they can change two lives, why not four? Or ten? They adopt twenty. But how do they weigh the (...)
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    Immanuel Kant: eine Biographie.Wolfgang Ritzel - 1985 - New York: de Gruyter.
    Keine ausführliche Beschreibung für "Immanuel Kant" verfügbar.
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    Professional and academic profile of the Brazilian research ethics committees.Iara Coelho Zito Guerriero & Eugênio Pacelli de Veras Santos - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-8.
    BackgroundBrazil is among the sixteen countries that conducts the most clinical trials in the world. It has a system to review research ethics with human beings made up by the National Commission on Research Ethics and 779 Research Ethics Committees, in 2017. The RECs are supposed to follow the same rules regarding their membership, although the RECs that review Social Science and Humanities researches must respect Resolution 510/16. There are Brazilian RECs that review SSH and clinical trials. This study aimed (...)
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    Promoção de comportamentos pró-sociais e habilidades sociais em planejamentos da educação infantil.Iara da Silva Freitas & Márcia Helena da Silva Melo - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):128-145.
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  5. Direitos humanos e dignidade política da cidadania em Hannah Arendt.Iara Lucia Mellegari & Cesar Augusto Ramos - 2011 - Princípios 18 (29):149-178.
    Normal 0 21 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 O presente artigo tem por objetivo abordar o tema dos direitos humanos e cidadania sob a perspectiva da filosofia política de Hannah Arendt. O artigo retrata, em sua primeira parte, a ilusáo fundacionista dos direitos humanos ante a situaçáo dos apátridas e refugiados, situaçáo que leva a autora a formular o conceito de cidadania como o direito a ter direitos . Na sequência, analisa os elementos que configuram sua teoria política, tais como: liberdade, (...)
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    Hannah Arendt e a modernidade: política, economia e a disputa por uma fronteira.Iara Lúcia Mellegari - 2014 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 26 (39):917.
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  7. A. Stein, Pestalozzi und die Kantische Philosophie. 2. Auflage.W. Ritzel - 1971 - Kant Studien 62 (4):507.
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    Die Philosophie und ihre Geschichte.Wolfgang Ritzel - 1957 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 11 (2):235 - 251.
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  9. Die Vernunftkritik als Ontologie.W. Ritzel - 1970 - Kant Studien 61 (3):381.
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  10. (1 other version)Fichtes Religionsphilosophie: Forschungen zur Kirchen und Geistesgeschichte, Band V.WOLFGANG RITZEL - 1956
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    Glück versus Moral.Wolfgang Ritzel - 1989 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 15:263-289.
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  12. Kant on wit and Kantian wit.W. Ritzel - 1991 - Kant Studien 82 (1):102-109.
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    Imagem corporal de mulheres de assentamento de reforma agrária.Iara Lázara Batista de Souza, Cátia Regina Assis Almeida Leal & Vivianne Oliveira Gonçalves - 2019 - Filosofia E Educação 11 (1):62-85.
    No espaço midiático, o culto à aparência corporal propaga a imagem de um corpo feminino bonito, jovem e magro. Com relação à mulher que vive no campo, a imagem difundida é de uma mulher alheia aos cuidados com a beleza, “desleixada”. O objetivo dessa pesquisa foi avaliar a satisfação com a imagem corporal e a influência dos meios de comunicação em mulheres em um assentamento rural de Jataí-Go. Foi aplicado o Body Shape Questionnaire a 25 mulheres e realizada entrevista com (...)
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    Swarm intelligence: when uncertainty meets conflict.Larissa Conradt, Christian List & Timothy J. Roper - 2013 - American Naturalist 182 (5):592-610.
    When animals share decisions with others, they pool personal information, offset individual errors and, thereby, increase decision accuracy. This is termed ‘swarm intelligence.’ But what if those decisions involve conflicts of interest between individual decision-makers? Should animals share decisions with individuals whose goals are different from, and partially in conflict with, their own? A group decision model developed by Larissa Conradt and colleagues finds that, contrary to intuition, conflicting goals often increase both decision accuracy and the individual gains derived (...)
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    Promotion of prosocial behaviors and social skills in preschool lesson plans.Iara da Silva Freitas & Márcia Helena da Silva Melo - 2023 - Aletheia 56 (2):126-142.
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    Evaluation of a Computer-Based Training Program for Enhancing Arithmetic Skills and Spatial Number Representation in Primary School Children.Larissa Rauscher, Juliane Kohn, Tanja Käser, Verena Mayer, Karin Kucian, Ursina McCaskey, Günter Esser & Michael von Aster - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Kants Philosophie des Schönen: eine kommentarische Interpretation zu den [Paragraphen] 1-22 der Kritik der Urteilskraft.Larissa Berger - 2021 - Baden-Baden: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    Kleines Kant-Lexikon.Larissa Berger (ed.) - 2018 - Wilhelm Fink Verlag.
    Ein Einstiegs- und Nachschlagwerk für das Philosophiestudium: Die Einträge liefern Definitionen und Kurzanalysen zu Kants Schriften, Grundbegriffen und Positionen. Sie können unabhängig voneinander gelesen werden, ergeben zusammengenommen aber auch eine vollständige Einführung. Das Kleine Kant-Lexikon beginnt mit einem Überblick zu Kants Leben und Werk sowie den zentralen Positionen seiner Philosophie. Auf diese Einführung folgen als erster Hauptteil detailliertere Analysen der wichtigsten Werke und Schriften Kants, als zweiter Hauptteil die Grundbegriffe seiner Philosophie zum Nachschlagen. Die Beiträge wurden von renommierten Expertinnen und (...)
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    Denken ist Menschenpflicht: die Lebensphilosophie von Jose Ortega y Gasset aus dem Lichte Albert Schweitzers.Larissa Chvartsman - 2008 - Marburg: Tectum-Verlag.
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    Art in the Asia-Pacific: intimate publics.Larissa Hjorth, Natalie King & Mami Kataoka (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.
    As social, locative, and mobile media render the intimate public and the public intimate, this volume interrogates how this phenomenon impacts art practice and politics. Contributors bring together the worlds of art and media culture to rethink their intersections in light of participatory social media. By focusing upon the Asia-Pacific region, they seek to examine how regionalism and locality affect global circuits of culture. The book also offers a set of theoretical frameworks and methodological paradigms for thinking about contemporary art (...)
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    Nietzsche’s values, de John Richardson.Iara Malbouisson & Isadora Petry - 2022 - Revista de Filosofia Aurora 34 (62).
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  22. Igreja Positivista do Brasil: acervo bibliográfico.Iara Moussatché, Maria Isabel Gomes de Sant'Anna & Regina Célia Alves Batista (eds.) - 1994 - Rio de Janeiro: Museu da República.
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    Remarks on semantic peculiarities of numerals and on usage of numerals in several kinds of texts.Larissa Naiditch - 2001 - Sign Systems Studies 29 (2):519-532.
    The paper deals with the general peculiarities of numerals. Cases where the sense of numeral cannot simply be explained by the idea of counting, of number, or of order are considered. Special types of texts folklore on the one band, propaganda on the other hand - are analyzed. For the latter the examples from two Soviet central official newspapers - Pravda and lzvestija of May 1986 have been chosen. These texts partially reflect common stylistic features of Soviet propagandistic discourse of (...)
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    RETRACTED ARTICLE: Going native: Prospects of native advertising development in the ASEAN and BRICS countries.Larissa Noda, Olga Kolosova, Natalia Levoshich & Еlena Zatsarinnaya - 2023 - Mind and Society 22 (1):161-161.
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    ein gutes Leben im Alter? Ethische Perspektiven auf Konzepte des Active Aging.Larissa Pfaller & Mark Schweda - 2020 - In Andreas Frewer, Sabine Klotz, Christoph Herrler & Heiner Bielefeldt (eds.), Gute Behandlung im Alter?: Menschenrechte und Ethik zwischen Ideal und Realität. transcript Verlag. pp. 125-152.
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    The threefold constitution of Paul Ricoeur's ethical perspective.Larissa Nóbrega Pinto - 2012 - Synesis 4 (2):45-62.
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    Philosophie und Pädagogik im 20. Jahrhundert.Wolfgang Ritzel - 1980 - Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
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    Studien zum Wandel der Kantauffassung.Wolfgang Ritzel - 1952 - Meisenheim/Glan,: Westkulturverlag A. Hain.
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    Von den Schwierigkeiten einer Kant-Biographie.Wolfgang Ritzel - 1979 - Perspektiven der Philosophie 5:93-115.
  30. Wie ist Pädagogik als Wissenschaft möglich?Wolfgang Ritzel - 1985 - In Jürgen Eckardt Pleines (ed.), Kant und die Pädagogik: Pädagogik und praktische Philosophie. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann.
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    Electronic Textbook, and E-Learning System in Teaching Process.Larissa Zaitseva & Jekaterina Bule - 2008 - Communication and Cognition: An Interdisciplinary Quarterly Journal 41 (1):159.
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    Antigone’s Remainders.Larissa M. Atkison - 2016 - Political Theory 44 (2):219-239.
    This paper reads Antigone from the perspective of the Chorus. Whereas most interpreters read Antigone from the perspective of Creon and Antigone’s respective laws, I maintain that the protagonists represent laws that are distinctly apolitical. Alternatively, I argue that the Chorus make the polis—past, present, and future—the center of their thought and action and are therefore uniquely political. Through close attention to the Chorus’s composition as a body that is both one and many at the same time, and by tracing (...)
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    ‘Women with a Russian Accent’ in Israel.Larissa I. Remennick - 1999 - European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (4):441-461.
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  34. Causal reductionism and causal structures.Matteo Grasso, Larissa Albantakis, Jonathan Lang & Giulio Tononi - 2021 - Nature Neuroscience 24:1348–1355.
    Causal reductionism is the widespread assumption that there is no room for additional causes once we have accounted for all elementary mechanisms within a system. Due to its intuitive appeal, causal reductionism is prevalent in neuroscience: once all neurons have been caused to fire or not to fire, it seems that causally there is nothing left to be accounted for. Here, we argue that these reductionist intuitions are based on an implicit, unexamined notion of causation that conflates causation with prediction. (...)
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  35.  46
    Early noun vocabularies: do ontology, category structure and syntax correspond?Larissa K. Samuelson & Linda B. Smith - 1999 - Cognition 73 (1):1-33.
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    (1 other version)Moving Word Learning to a Novel Space: A Dynamic Systems View of Referent Selection and Retention.K. Samuelson Larissa, C. Kucker Sarah & P. Spencer John - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):52-72.
    Theories of cognitive development must address both the issue of how children bring their knowledge to bear on behavior in-the-moment, and how knowledge changes over time. We argue that seeking answers to these questions requires an appreciation of the dynamic nature of the developing system in its full, reciprocal complexity. We illustrate this dynamic complexity with results from two lines of research on early word learning. The first demonstrates how the child's active engagement with objects and people supports referent selection (...)
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    Das Paradox des kantischen Gemeinsinns und seine vermeintliche Lösung im Rahmen des Schönen.Larissa Berger - 2024 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 78 (1):78-107.
    This article investigates the notion of sensus communis as being introduced in the Critique of Judgment. I argue that, within the framework of Kant's philo- sophy, the general notion of a sensus communis, that is, a faculty that leads to sensuous and universal results, is paradoxical. An analysis of the theoretical sensus communis, understood as an awareness of the faculties' accord in cases of cognition, reveals that it is unclear why this faculty should amount to a sense. The aesthetic sensus (...)
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  38.  42
    Dimensionen der Zeit. Die Zeitphilosophie Kants und Husserls.Larissa Wallner - 2018 - Wien, Österreich: Passagen.
    Im Zuge des Unterfangens, die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit von Erfahrung aufzudecken, entwickeln Immanuel Kant und Edmund Husserl je eine facettenreiche, dynamische Philosophie der Zeit. Für beide Denker entspringt die Zeitvorstellung einem Spannungsfeld von passiven und aktiven Strukturen des Erkenntnissubjekts. -/- Die Zentralgestalt der Aufklärung, Immanuel Kant, und den Begründer der Phänomenologie, Edmund Husserl, eint das Motiv, die Bedingungen der Möglichkeit von Erkenntnis zu ergründen, um Wissen zu legitimieren. Sie entwickeln dabei eine Philosophie der Zeit, die den Ursprung der Zeitvorstellung und (...)
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    Property’s Sovereignty.Larissa Katz - 2017 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 18 (2):299-328.
    This Article argues that ownership is a form of authority that is constitutionally basic in liberal societies. At the same time, I argue, neither the particular benefits nor burdens that accede to the position of ownership are. By distinguishing between a principle of sovereignty, which I argue constitutes the core authority of owners, and a principle of accession, which I argue regulates the distribution of benefits attached to the position, we can see how this is so. Taxation, regulation, expropriation, by (...)
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  40. Der "Zirkel" im dritten Abschnitt der Grundlegung : eine neue Interpretation und ein Literaturbericht.Larissa Berger - 2015 - In Dieter Schönecker (ed.), Kants Begründung von Freiheit und Moral in Grundlegung III: neue Interpretationen. Münster: Mentis.
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    Jubuntu : Giving and Belonging in the Jewish Diaspora of Cape Town.Larissa Denk - 2023 - Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
    This study investigates the nexus between giving, belonging and Jewishness in South Africa. Charitable interactions are as much manifestations of inequalities as an expression of the giving individual’s desire to alleviate them. Structuring aspects like class, race, economics, and post-apartheid politics are at the basis of this study. At the same time, though, it is individual agency reproducing inequalities and making sense of the ambiguity of the charitable interaction. In the context of the Jewish community in South Africa this analysis (...)
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  42. Cultural elements in the practice of law in mexico: Informal networks in a formal system.Larissa Adler Lomnitz & Rodrigo Salazar - 2002 - In Yves Dezalay & Bryant G. Garth (eds.), Global prescriptions: the production, exportation, and importation of a new legal orthodoxy. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
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    Arvsõnade semantilistest omadustest ja arvsõnade kasutamisest teatud tekstides. Kokkuviõte.Larissa Naiditch - 2001 - Sign Systems Studies 29 (2):533-533.
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    A tríplice constituição da perspectiva ética de Paul Ricoeur.Larissa Nobrega - 2012 - Synesis 4 (2).
    Paul Ricoeur, em “O si-mesmo como outro” define sua perspectiva ética como “o desejo de viver bem com e para os outros em instituições justas”. Tal concepção possui uma tríplice estrutura, a saber: a ipseidade, a alteridade e a igualdade. Sendo apresentadas como a “estima de si”, a “solicitude” e a “justiça”, momentos determinantes para que se possa responder à pergunta sobre a identidade ética, norteadora de sua filosofia moral – “ quem é o sujeito capaz de imputação moral?”. Por (...)
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    Comer Animais e Zoonoses: utilidade da pecuária industrial.Larissa Lunkes Souza - 2020 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 11:e24.
    O objetivo central deste artigo é desenvolver a ideia sobre a utilidade ética da pecuária industrial com ênfase nas doenças zoonóticas a partir do referencial teórico de Peter Singer. Com o aumento da demanda em âmbito global por proteína animal, foram empreendidos novos métodos de manejo que submetem os animais a situações opostas ao bem-estar. Além do mais, essas mudanças são responsáveis pela ascensão das doenças zoonóticas. Desse modo, o presente trabalho trata-se da revisão bibliográfica dos livros Ética Prática e (...)
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  46. Rationalität, Phänomenalität, Individualität.Wolfgang Ritzel (ed.) - 1966 - Bonn,: Bouvier.
    Hermann Glockner, von W. Ritzel.--Hermann Glockners Ethikvorlesung, von M. Trapp.--Folgenreiche Begegnung mit einem Lexikon, von J. Günther.--Das Einzelne, das Allgemeine und das Individuelle, von E. Heintel.--Philosophisches und mathematisches Kontinuum, von F. Kaulbach.--Fall, Norm, Typus, von K. Larenz.--"... als allein ein guter Wille," von O. F. Bollnow.--Kants Begründung der Gemeinschaft durch die Idee der Menschheit, von D.-J. Löwisch.--Dilthey und das Problem der Geschichtlichkeit, von J. Derbolav.--Gleichzeitigkeit--oder: Platon übersetzen, von A. Hübscher.--Zur Theorie des menschlichen Spiels, von H. Zdarzil.-Anlässlich eines Stillebens von (...)
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    Prozessethik: zur Organisation ethischer Entscheidungsprozesse.Larissa Krainer - 2010 - Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. Edited by Peter Heintel.
    Der Ansatz der Prozessethik impliziert ein praxisorientiertes Beratungsmodell, das praktisch bereits erprobt ist und in den vielfaltigsten Kontexten eingesetzt werden kann.
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    Wie fühlt sich Schönheit an? Zur Phänomenologie des interesselosen Wohlgefallens bei Kant.Larissa Berger - 2022 - Kant Studien 113 (4):659-688.
  49. Integrated information theory (IIT) 4.0: Formulating the properties of phenomenal existence in physical terms.Larissa Albantakis, Leonardo Barbosa, Graham Findlay, Matteo Grasso, Andrew Haun, William Marshall, William G. P. Mayner, Alireza Zaeemzadeh, Melanie Boly, Bjørn Juel, Shuntaro Sasai, Keiko Fujii, Isaac David, Jeremiah Hendren, Jonathan Lang & Giulio Tononi - 2022 - Arxiv.
    This paper presents Integrated Information Theory (IIT) 4.0. IIT aims to account for the properties of experience in physical (operational) terms. It identifies the essential properties of experience (axioms), infers the necessary and sufficient properties that its substrate must satisfy (postulates), and expresses them in mathematical terms. In principle, the postulates can be applied to any system of units in a state to determine whether it is conscious, to what degree, and in what way. IIT offers a parsimonious explanation of (...)
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    At the Back of the Class. At the Front of the Class: Experiences as Aboriginal Student and Aboriginal Teacher.Larissa Behrendt - 1996 - Feminist Review 52 (1):27-35.
    This is a persona] account of an Aboriginal woman who went through the education system in Australia to obtain finally her law degree. Aboriginal people experience many hurdles in the education system. Many Aboriginal children feel alienated within the legal system which until recently focused on a colonial history of Australia, ignoring the experiences, indeed the presence, of indigenous people in Australia. The Australian government had a policy of not educating Aboriginal people past the age of 14. The author was (...)
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